Valerie Moore's bio

Valerie Moore is on a personal mission to broaden the scope of mankind's peripheral vision. She genuinely believes in the adage, "Nothing changes, if nothing changes." It is up to us to take at least one step toward positive change every day.

Valerie held the flagship positions at two statewide companies supporting California’s self-determination program. She understands the value of choice in every aspect of our personal journey and the damage that taking someone’s choice, and their voice, away can cause.

She welcomes opportunities that allow her to encourage both individual and collective empowerment. She is a seasoned trainer, mentor, team leader, and advocate.

Valerie shared her thoughts on becoming a CAPS Academy Training Instructor:

“As an individual with a mental health diagnosis, I have benefited from the resources, hope, and acceptance that support staff from various state and private agencies provide. Many years ago, a group leader shared with me the concept of, "Intimacy = In To Me I See." Those words, and the safe space that was provided for me, helped kickstart my physical, emotional, and spiritual evolution.

Their contributions provided me with valuable encouragement to stay engaged in the recovery process and have a healthy relationship with myself and others. I am both excited and honored to work with our amazing CAPS students as they turn the page to the next chapter of their lives.”