Renee Arellano's bio

Renee Arellano | California Association of Peer Supporters Academy

Renee Arellano

Renee Arellano | California Association of Peer Supporters Academy

Renee is a Licensed Psychiatric Technician, Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor, and Certified Rehabilitation Specialist. Renee is a CAPS Academy instructor for Mental Health America California. Prior to being a CAPS Academy instructor, Renee worked at TAO (Telecare and Orange) Central Outpatient program providing recovery-focused services.

Renee has an intensive clinical background working with individuals at Fairview State Hospital working with intellectual and developmental disabilities in acute crises, and at the Metropolitan State Hospital in the Forensic Unit. Renee has experience working in both mental health and co-occurring substance use.

Renee was first introduced to the process of recovery through an internship program at The Village in Long Beach, called Jump Start. Renee has experience working on a mobile outreach team HIP (Homeless Innovations Project) using a street-medicine approach to engaging vulnerable individuals with mental health challenges.

Renee was connected to those she served, in many ways because of her life experiences and authenticity. Renee has developed a deep love and passion for the recovery model after the Jump Start Experience where she learned her Core Gift is to love, teach, inspire, and share her knowledge by helping others find their voice.